The Sweet Medicine
SunDance Path (SMSD) promotes a spiritual practice that has
evolved out of the ancient ways of the Twisted Hairs medicine men and women of
Turtle Island (the Americas). Through its world-wide network of teachers,
lodges, study groups and affiliated organizations, SMSD offers teachings,
lectures, workshops, classes, ceremonial opportunities, publications and
learning tools to anyone who seeks knowledge, healing, spiritual
self-development and physical mastery.
Our mission is to fight against ignorance, slavery, bigotry, racism, war, disease, dogma and superstition to seed future generations with beauty, power, knowledge and freedom.
Our mission is to fight against ignorance, slavery, bigotry, racism, war, disease, dogma and superstition to seed future generations with beauty, power, knowledge and freedom.
SWEET MEDICINE AUSTRALIA oversees the many programs on offer in this path. Information and program information is available through this website and the quarterly newsletter. Other programs run through Sweet Medicine Australia include Rites of Passage, Women's Programs, Sweat Lodges and Study groups.
SWEET MEDICINE AUSTRALIA oversees the many programs on offer in this path. Information and program information is available through this website and the quarterly newsletter. Other programs run through Sweet Medicine Australia include Rites of Passage, Women's Programs, Sweat Lodges and Study groups.
The Australian Sweet Medicine Shop is an online store where you can purchase many books, resources and ceremonial items. Go to There are a range of study guides, Deer Tribe Metis Medicine publications plus other shamanic titles, traditional Native American designed Pendleton Blankets, woven baskets, smudge mixtures, medicine tools, ceremonial items and many more items that will support you on your own Path. is another online shop (USA) which may be a valuable resource for you. |
The Red Lodge Longhouse offers you a program that you will not find anywhere else. Through teachings, exercises and ceremony, Red Lodge provides the tools you need to bring beauty, power and magick back into your life.
RED LODGE programs are run world wide. To find out more about these programs please visit:
Red Lodge Arizona Red Lodge Canada Red Lodge Italy DTMMS
RED LODGE programs are run world wide. To find out more about these programs please visit:
Red Lodge Arizona Red Lodge Canada Red Lodge Italy DTMMS
The CHULUAQUI QUODOUSHKA programs in spiritual sexuality designed to expand your awareness and enhance your expression of your natural, spiritual, sexual, healthy vibrant self. Go to
SHAMANIC DE-ARMORING is an intense healing program that frees and expands life force energy.
Go to
The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society is the home organization supporting the Sweet Medicine Sun Dance Path.